How to Find Re-inspiration In Part Two of Your Life.
In today’s masterclass, we discuss aligning & embodying our truth through The Power Of NOWing — How To Be Re-Inspired & Love Your Life Again After Any Major Life Transition.
So many women spend a good chunk of their early and middle life tending to other people’s needs and then they finally realise they want something more for themselves. Perhaps you can relate to having finished raising the kids or taking the traditional career path your parents wanted for you and now you’re yearning for more? But your self-worth may be at an all time low and you could be wondering whether it’s possible for you to respark your life and invite more creativity, play and self-expression. Ali shares all about how to approach this.
We discuss:
• When does someone know they’ve reached part 2 of their life? Do you see that as being defined by reaching a particular age or more so a life milestone like having an empty nest or retirement or menapause or more so just a feeling?
• Why would you say people need be to reinspired? What can happen that makes you lose your inspiration and motivation for life?
• Why women so often need reinspiration because we take on the caregiving roles and put ourselves last too much.
• Where should they begin to reawaken and restart their life?
At the end, Ali shares an amazing meditation to help you begin your reinspiration process. You’ll commune with your mother’s highest self and give her back any stories and beliefs she passed onto you which is no longer serving your highest good.

Meet Ali
Ali Varshal is a Creative Visionary, Business Building, Growth and Mindset Coach for Creative Heart-Centered Women and Intuitive Guidess
The free webinar she mentions in her masterclass can be signed up for right here!
How to Activate Your True Self and Attract Your Heart’s Desires
Jun 22, 2023 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
You will discover how to access and align with your True Self – Your wild, wonder-filled, powerful, creative Self. You will learn the process to activate and embody LIVING your life from that place of permission, inner allowing and joy-filled full Self-Expression like never before. You will be shown the way to naturally begin to ATTRACT all you desire instead of striving and forcing things.
Register in advance for this webinar: