How To Stay Aligned and Embodied Using Inquiry and Oracles.
In today’s masterclass, we discuss aligning & embodying our truth through the lens of inquiry and oracle cards.
Oracle cards (and other self-inquiries) are a beautiful and accessible way into bring spirituality and intuition to your daily life. They are simple enough for anyone to pick up and start using, as long as you are open to self-reflection and listening to your inner GPS. Mia believes there is no right or wrong way to use them (phew!), and you don’t even need cards, you can go through a self-inquiry process walking down the street if you feel called to do so. In this fun conversation, we explore how to get started or to deepen your practice.
We discuss:
• What exactly are inquiries and oracles?
• How do oracles help us connect to our intuition and a deeper knowing?
• Is there a ritual or process you recommend we do with the cards or a particular question we should be asking?
• What’s the best way to interpret the message of a card?
• How frequently should we use them in our lives?
• How should someone decide what deck is right for them?
At the end, Mia takes us through a special oracle card she has created and selected for summit attendees to feel into and interpret for their own lives.

Meet Mia
Mia Walters is the founder of Muse Dreams and an Artist and Intentional Creativity Teacher.
Mia didn’t always follow her natural passion for creativity. She initially refused her dream out of fear and “practicality” but her yearning for purpose and soul expression never went away. Through intentional creativity she was able to rewrite her own story, access her true information and finally claim herself as an artist. Today, she supports and guides people in art experiences to help them discover their own authentic selves, and to feel empowered to make changes in their lives and create the reality they desire. Her mission is to help women bring their creativity out of hiding and be reminded that their art and dreams matter.
Mia lives with her husband, Tom and her daughter in Colorado, USA.
To learn more about Mia, click on her website link below or follow her on Instagram.