How To Create A ‘Tree of Life’ to Help You Map Out Who You Really Are and What Matters to You.
In today’s masterclass, we discuss aligning & embodying our truth through the lens of energy work.
Did you know we all have elemental energy running through our bodies? It’s the energy within the deeper layers of ourselves that controls the unconscious realm, which controls so much of our lives. These are the waters in which Patti helps people navigate. If you’re looking to go through deep healing and take more soul-aligned action, this masterclass is for you.
We discuss:
• What is the elemental energy that runs through our bodies?
• How do you know if your energy is blocked or being derailed?
• Patti’s powerful story of a series of near death experiences that opened her up to do this work.
• How the hardest things we go through can be our greatest teacher
• How energetic work is different from seeing a psychologist or doctor
• Why some people are more reactive than others and what we can do to stay calmer
At the end, Patti takes us through a meditation which demonstrates her actual process of Activating + Harmonising the elemental flow of energy through the body to take Soul Aligned Action in the moment.

Meet Patti
Patti Higgins is the founder of True Essence Living and an Intuitive Energy Master + Mentor
She is an Intuitive Energy Master + Mentor, Master EFT Practitioner and Intuitive Success Coach. She combines each of these skills to offer a unique and holistic approach to support you in living life by helping you to release the stuck energies and emotions from your physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies and the stresses they bring to your system as a whole being. This approach creates space for your whole system to destress and allows you to operate in clarity bringing you the resources to create success and harmony in all areas of living whether it be communication, health, money, relationships and more. She teaches you how to do this for yourself by helping you know who you are and how you work.
Patti is a wife and mum to two beautiful little girls, based in South Murwillumbah, Australia.
You can learn more about her and her offerings in her website below.