What My Clients Have Said
I’m passionate about exceeding clients’ expectations with a high-level of service and the feeling of a real partnership.
“Since launching the new website, we’ve had numerous birth center tour bookings made and the new website booking system is saving us approximately 3 hours of staff time a week by booking online instead of over the phone, which is huge!
Emma created a beautiful website for me in 2019. Stunning. Then COVID hit, and my target market changed completely. The brand was a bit too bougie and feminine for the clients we were attracting. When I knew I needed to rebrand, I didn’t hesitate to reach out to Emma again.
The first time around I was selling the beauty of birth, and although we didn’t give that up, we were able to combine it with the safety and autonomy my patients are really seeking these days. I reallllly grieved letting go of the old brand as it was “me”, but I think the new branding stands out in our community, and still really expresses our style.
If you’re considering working with Emma MAKE THE INVESTMENT. Prepare to have Emma really push and question you! She goes far and above, making you really stretch for your business plan and answers. In the end, you get a product that is uniquely YOU!
Emma’s professionalism, creativeness and commitment was more than amazing.”
“I feel like it is such a beautiful calling card and reflection of me. I feel like myself and others are taking me more seriously now.
Before working with Emma I was unclear on my messaging and was flying by the seat of my pants trying to do it on my own. I was a little nervous to make the financial investment, but after it was all said and done I would say it’s worth every penny.
The process of uncovering my mission and goals was surprising and took on a life of its own as we proceeded. I think the longer time frame helped me to get even more clear on what I am offering.
Working with Emma was so nourishing, and she was always supportive and understanding. Always professional and efficient yet so personal and warm.
I felt elated to see the colors and visuals that she came up with. All of the people close to me have said in one way or another how “ME” it is.”
If you’re thinking of working with Emma I would say, don’t hesitate! Though the process might seem long, it will help you more honestly put yourself out into the world.”
“When I saw the visual branding for the first time I gasped. It was so rich and colorful and exactly what I had hoped it would be.
Before working with Emma, my site was fine but I felt it didn’t encompass all the parts of me, it only showed one outdated version of myself.
I wasn’t just paying for the visual outcome, but the clarity that Emma gave me about what my message actually is.
I was surprised at how well Emma “got me”. I loved the guidebook!
She was able to extract my essence from the answers I gave to her specific questions. It was so interesting to listen to her repeat back to me my words and self expression. I thought she captured it perfectly when she said “bright and fun meets sacred and deep.”
CLARITY was the big reveal here. I learned that what I thought I was going to do at the end of this wasn’t what lights me up. It was something I knew deep down but when faced with the actual process of this work, I couldn’t deny my own truth staring at me in the face. Emma was incredibly patient and happy to pivot as the process evolved.
The branding is visually stunning, beyond anything I pictured, even from our initial chat. She captured vibrancy and depth and whimsy, a true feat!
Now that the process is complete, I am more confident in sending people to my site to learn more about me. This version is more complete, shows my history and who I am now.
“Thank you Emma for a website beyond my wildest dreams. I immediately had a flood of new sales and membership sign-ups when I shared the new site.
Prior to working with Emma, my website did not feel like it reflected the core beliefs and values behind my art and business. Overall, it did not feel at the professional level that I wanted it to be to convey the most important message to me—that Creativity is our most precious and loving relationship and gift in our lives.
Since we launched the rebrand and website redesign, the response has been overwhelming, and I immediately had a flood of new sales and membership sign-ups when I shared the new site. Even more surprising is the confidence I feel now when sharing my message and website with others. I was a little bit embarrassed to share my website before because it did not feel visually appealing, and now I know that it embodies what I am trying to say, not just with the words but the design elements and special attention given to details that make an impression on the guest visiting my site.
If you are considering working with Emma, I would say do it! Not only will you have a brand new website that gives your business a refreshing makeover, but you will also learn so much about your business, your values, and yourself in the process so that you can prioritize what is most important to you and where you want to put your energy in your business.
“Every time I looked at my website I knew it was not accurately expressing who I am and what Little Truths Studio is. Now, I can’t believe what a huge transformation this has been!
Before working with Emma, our previous branding was black, white, and beige. At the time we were a fledgling business. I was just learning who I was as an artist and didn’t have a concrete idea of what my branding should look like. So at the time a simple website and brand felt right to me.
But over time, as my confidence as an artist grew and our business began to pivot, I realized that my branding and website no longer fully represented who I was or what I offered. I wanted help redesigning and reinterpreting my brand, my message and infusing my personality into my website.
When we started I had a very general idea of how I wanted my branding changed, but I was overwhelmed with all the possibilities. When you’re in the middle of your business it’s hard to see the forest through the trees. You need someone who is skilled at taking all of your likes, dislikes, feelings, hopes, dreams, and distilling them down into one consistent message.
That’s exactly what Emma delivered. When I first saw the branding I said: “Can I just tell you in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS how wonderful this is?! I love it so much, it really exceeded all my expectations.” I was so thrilled by Emma’s work and her thoughtful attention to every detail.
After launching our website and revealing our new branding, the most consistent feedback we’ve gotten from our customers is that the website reflects who we are, our vibe, our vision and that is 1000% what we were looking for and we couldn’t ask for more than that.
Emma’s process is thorough and takes time. I had concerns about whether I would be able to devote enough time to the process of unpacking my brand message. What I learned is that the branding process is absolutely worth spending the time to distill everything down into a true and cohesive brand message.
Emma went beyond to really understand who we are as people, not just a business and we could not be more pleased with the end result. As someone who gets overwhelmed with all of the cool options in Canva, I know it is going to make it so much easier to stay cohesive going forward with all our branding set up in Canva to keep our look consistent and steady.
If you feel like you have outgrown your website and/or branding I would highly recommend working with Emma to get the job done.”
“We’ve received tones of incredible feedback. The people we’ve shown just love it and really feel like it’s a true reflection of who SARK is and what our company has to offer.
Our site and brand was not cohesive or woven together at all. There’s been so many iterations of the business, and our previous branding didn’t reflect our products, programs and services – there was a lack of clarity. We never wanted to show off the old brand- we didn’t want people to see it at all.
There have been many companies over the years that said they understand “branding for creatives”, but upon hiring them it wasn’t an energetic match. But you came so highly recommended and we saw others sites and branding and knew this was a great fit. The experience was phenomenal from Day 1 to the end.
It was incredibly eye-opening and transformational to complete the workbook and helped us get clear on her purpose, vision, and brand and what legacy SARK wants to leave.
I would describe Emma as warm, thorough, organized, gentle, intuitive and understanding.
We’ve received tons of incredible feedback. The people we’ve showed just love it and really feel like it’s a true reflection of who SARK is and what the company has to offer.
The brand and website is next level SARK. It’s design and cohesiveness really does exactly what we envisioned- to empower others with the SARK spirit and to keep the SARK color intact, which is speaking to their inner child. Also, we know that the new site is going to strategically sell products, programs and services and increase revenue.
SARK is in the business of inspiring creative living- living, loving, thinking creatively in every aspect and the revamp of our site and branding does just that.
The advice I would give others considering working with Emma is to GO FOR IT. This is the best investment in your company and it really provides a level of intuitive understanding of why you’re doing the work you do and what that means in the world. It’s strategic and intensive getting to the root of “Why”, but still creative and thoughtful.
Soul Stirring Branding/Emma has an innate + intuitive way of understanding creative clients and knows how to guide them, which in turn makes a huge difference in the business.
Emma did this in a gentle and candid way and her approach is effective, straightforward, incredibly insightful, and oh so VALUABLE.”
“Make the investment. You won’t be disappointed. You will walk away not only with branding that reflects who you are, but it will translate into more profits you can be proud of.
Before the rebranding I dreaded sending people to my website. It didn’t represent where I was professionally, personally, spiritually. It was also confusing to navigate, not making the most of passive revenue. The visual branding only represented one (out of three) service/offering as the site had grown/adapted as my business did.
In my 13 years of business, I’ve had luke warm experiences with graphic designers and brand strategists. I was hopeful working with you would be different, but I did have concerns about the overall process, considering my experiences before.
Emma was a pure DELIGHT to work with.
I was surprised and delighted by Emma’s level of detail, how generous she was with her time, how intuitive her ideas fit with what I was looking for. Emma went above and beyond — from the video explanations to the PDF for photographers to the scheduling of all the milestones – I appreciated that she fully had the reins of this experience and that I could relax and take my boss hat off and let her do the leading.
I got major clarity doing the workbook, and throughout the entire process. I was also surprised how easy it would be to keep the visual branding going via Canva once you set up all the templates and graphic folders. Who knew? It’s so easy!
Omg. I’m so happy. I almost peed my pants when I saw the first designs.
The new branding and the new site communicate who I am very clearly as well as what I offer very clearly. The response has been so loving and people have written things like “Joy! This is SO YOU! It’s such a happy, vibrant site! So easy to navigate.” And on and on. Daily revenue is UP and I’m certain it’s the branding and new site to go with it.
Emma is a brilliant visual brand strategist and designer who will – through various exercises, conversations, and intuition – know how to translate your brand into a beautiful visual language.”
“I adore my website. It is so gorgeous. Every time I work on it, I just love it more!
I had developed so many elements over the years with a vast and complex website incorporating 100’s of products and 18 online workshops. Everything began to feel disjointed and the prospect of updating everything was overwhelming. I discovered Emma in the credits of a beautiful website. I read through her site and knew I had found the help I needed. I already knew Emma had the chops to help me because I had seen the evidence of her talent. I had no hesitation and got on her wait-list right away.
The process experience was a lot of work in a good way; Emma is detailed. You are going to really need to stop in your tracks, sit with Emma and put the work in! You will see your brand elevated, buffed and presented back to you as a glowing masterpiece. I went further than the initial branding process and had Emma redesign my whole website; everything Emma has done resonates and feels authentic. In addition, because of the complexity of my website – Emma had to work within some constraints which she did to perfection.
I have now found since working with Emma, we are busier than ever and the website works fantastic for us; showing the world the authentic, genuine promise of how I love to help people with their art and creative confidence – which I adore.
I highly recommend to not hesitate to connect with Emma and start your journey – she is in demand. Emma is a very talented designer, who is professional and will listen to your concerns and make wonderful suggestions and solutions.”
“Kareena and I both got teary when we saw how beautiful our finished pages were. We were so deeply touched that we had been ‘seen’ and our energy/essence had been captured so well.
Our website was a mish-mash of different elements that we’d put together as we evolved. I knew our work was of a certain calibre but our website and promotional material didn’t reflect that, and I found I was reluctant to share it with our audience as I felt it actually detracted from our offering. It lacked consistent imagery and wording and didn’t carry the warmth, energy and professionalism of who we now are…and I wasn’t sure how to pull it all together.
I really wanted to invest in our branding, because I know its like the shopfront of your business. How you show up on the page impacts the impression people will have of you when they first connect and moving forwards. I’d been enquiring with different companies but their offering always seemed to lack ‘heart’ and ‘soulfulness’ (things important to our business). The words and imagery felt too ‘corporate’ or hard and lacked the warm, feminine, soulful feel we wanted to convey. We wanted to work with someone who understood us, understood what a heart based business is and how best to share that with the world in a non ‘woo woo’ kind of way. Emma absolutely nailed it
Emma’s process for diving deep into who Kareena and I are individually and together in our offering, brought out pieces about us that we ourselves hadn’t really connected with before. She provided a safe space to explore that and connect more deeply with the fullest expression of who we are and what we had to bring into the world…and it felt safe to do so under her guidance. Emma has absolutely captured the heart of our offering – her words are beautiful, rich, soulful, connecting and impactful and the imagery fills my heart every time I see it…and I love how her attention to detail means it gets woven across all our branding pieces.
Something I particularly love about Emma is she has a rare ability to bring together a visually creative ability with intelligent and impactful writing/copy skills.She has a natural ability to draw from you your personal story and the ‘why’ of your business, to create copy that connects with your audience. She is able to pick up a thread of an idea we have and give it life, quickly adapting as we offer feedback, so we end up with a beautifully branded finished product.
The way Emma has captured who we are, now feels like the highest version of ourselves and I’ve found myself consciously expanding into that fuller expression.
I happily sing her praises far and wide. I am so proud to share our branded offering. It gives me a confidence that we didn’t have before. I know that Emma’s work helps us to be seen for who we really are. She captures the ‘heart’ factor of our business in a professional, clearly relatable, warm, connecting, impactful way. Her branding allows us to show up and charge our worth.
Emma will give your offering beautiful life, better even than you hope for. We are so, so happy we made the decision to work with Emma. It’s a choice that’s changed the way we show up in the world. She has become an integral part of our success as a business and we continue to seek her support to help our growth because she always brings the best version of ourselves to our branding. We’ve worked with other branding agencies but none came close to Soul Stirring Branding…a company that really ‘sees’ and ‘gets you’, listens and captures the detail of who you are, adapts and flows as you ‘find your feet’ with it and integrates professional, impactful branding with heart and love/soul.”
“I feel that the branding process has allowed me to change the way others see me as a teacher, healer, and spiritual communicator.
Previously, I had branded myself as “The Divine Medium.” It was through the branding process that I realized that I wanted to represent myself as so much more than just a Medium, to fully encompass ALL that I am and shed the old false identity I was holding onto.
Before our rebranding, I was frustrated by the mundane look of my site and the fact that I had no ‘true’ identity in this world. I didn’t want to be a faceless brand in a world of amazing faces that were getting noticed left and right. In order for others to take me seriously, I had to do something to stand out and say, “Hey. I’m here to help you and I’m the real deal!” I was doing all I could to stand out on my own and it did get me far but was now slowly dwindling down. It was as if I was standing at a crossroads, not knowing which way to go. Everything just felt stalled. As if it was no longer going anywhere.
In order to get to where I needed to be, I had to take a leap of fate and trust I was being directed to your path for a reason. I trusted that feeling and now proud I followed it every step of the way!
The process of having to face every detail of my business, of myself, and of my mission really hit home for me. I never really thought about the things that you had asked in your branding workbook and I really had to think about how I wanted to present myself. It sparked a passion inside me that I didn’t know was there. Then to see how you adapted those answers into a grand design of the identity for me was breathtaking!
Emma’s raw talent to take an idea or passion and turn into a vision to be held and seen, was far beyond my own expectations. And for that, I will be forever grateful. When I first saw the branding, I said “Omg Emma! It’s so beautiful, light, sacred, and loving! Exactly what I wanted.”
I am now more passionate about what I present and how I present it, because I know it’s truly aligned to myself and my energy. So many toxic people were drawn to my old brand. Now I feel like I can breathe because we only have individuals who take me seriously.
I am now proud of every single part of my new brand that I even have this drive deep inside to do more with it, every single month. I have recommended Emma to many of my clients who are starting a new business or already have a business that is not doing what it needs to do for them.
Emma’s process helped me bring my authentic brand to life in a methodical way. She took the time and had the patience to make things perfect and to my desired outcome. It is worth every single penny! I just adore her so much!”
“It’s hard to explain in words, but I feel like I’ve grown more into myself as a therapist during this process.
I think it was gaining clarity from our work together, being given the gentle nudges to step out of my comfort zone and then seeing this beautiful new branding which really resonated with me. I really feel like I have achieved my branding goals during this work with Emma.
Before working with Emma, I felt that I had outgrown my old branding and that although it was really pretty, it had never resonated with me as a person or as a practitioner. I had been trying to grab a really wide audience – all people with anxiety and depression and relationship issues. I knew who my ideal audience was, but I wasn’t talking to them directly on my website. My website looked dated and cluttered. I felt embarrassed about it because it was old fashioned and piecemeal. There was way too much copy on the site and it talked about what I do technically as a therapist, rather than talking about my potential client’s problems and how I could help them. It felt unsurmountable to change all that and rewrite it all on my own. I found I was attracting the wrong kind of clients (people who couldn’t afford to pay my private practice rates, people who wanted a quick fix rather than wanting to look deeply at their issues). I wanted to attract more of my target clients and a more affluent audience who could afford my rates.
Now that we have gone through the branding and website process I LOVE my new branding and the new site is going to be amazing. I think that the branding we’ve now created reflects both me as a person and as a therapist. Choosing a therapist is such an emotive experience – clients are choosing the person as much as the therapies they use – so it was vital that the branding reflected the real me. Plus make it really obvious how I am different to other therapists and what to expect when you come to see me. I believe we have achieved all of this.Emma has a great network of contacts that can help with photography and website technical creation, which made the whole process seamless and fun.
The structure of the new site is just perfect. Emma took the content I’d put in the Heart and Soul Clarity Workbook and transformed it into words that really talk to the client and say “hey are you experiencing this? I understand you. This is how I can help you. This is what you need to know”. The wording that Emma has created speaks directly to the needs, pain points and desires of my ideal client. Emma helped me work through my new content in a relatively short time frame where I had the mental space to focus. This was an absolute godsend for a busy sole trader, and I am so grateful to her for all her amazing work.
The overall experience was worth every penny.”
“It was SO MUCH MORE than money well spent. It has given me a whole new world to play inside of.
When I started working with Emma, my website was still functional but didn’t reflect who I was or where I was going. It seemed like an old version of me that I had grown out of… and yet, I was also a bit lost about where I was headed next. Emma offered me the most graceful and thorough process to get crystal clear about who I am, the message I am wanting to put out in the world, and helped me organize my offerings in a way that is cohesive and clear.
At first, I wasn’t sure if I could afford to invest in my business this way! But it was SO MUCH MORE than money well spent. It has given me a whole new world to play inside of – one that inspires me and my community. So much possibility and new opportunities have already come out of the new branding…
Emma is incredibly detailed and organized. Every piece of the process and branding was thoughtful and considered. She is a BRILLIANT designer with gorgeous taste and excellent instincts around channeling your style and vision. She is also kind, open-hearted and loving in the way that she guides you through the process. The whole experience was so rich and such high quality from start to finish. I’m thrilled.
It’s amazing how visuals can give you a whole new feeling about your work. I love how unapologetically feminine the new branding and website is, how it reflects the new energy I am bringing to the world. I pretty much squeed with excitement every time she sent me a finished page.”
“It’s hard to put into words just how much I LOVED working with Emma and how utterly delighted I am with my new website.
Before I found Emma’s services, I had a website that was OK, but a little outdated and with a piecemeal approach to graphic design. When people arrived there, it wasn’t immediately clear what the website was even about.
Now, after going through Emma’s branding and design process, I’ve got a stunning website with branding that is very clear, and spot on, in terms of the message I want to put out into the world.
The website has had loads of compliments.
I was mega impressed with how thorough Emma’s process was to guide me through the re-branding process, and the ‘spot on’, perfect brand I now have is definitely no accident — it was brought into being by Emma. Thank you, Emma. You are the best at what you do!!!”
“I feel like it is not only a great business asset to have such a beautiful website, but it feels to me like my legacy – something I needed to do for myself beyond just for my business.
It was hard for me initially to trust that someone would be able to do the kind of work that I would want for my website – the attention to all the little details and perfectionism that I myself adhere to. Finding Emma was a true gift because she is someone with a great deal of integrity and an incredible work ethic. Finally, I found someone who was as thorough and
detail-oriented as I am! I didn’t have to micromanage her like I have always had to do with others that I have hired to help me with something that I wanted to accomplish. It was such a relief to let go and know that I could trust her to do such a stellar job!
I can say that hiring you was worth every penny and then some! I was completely amazed and surprised at how much you were able to capture me. everyone who knows me and sees my website says, “Omg! That is just so you!”
I am so proud of my brand and my website. I feel like it is not only a great business asset to have such a beautiful website, but it feels to me like my legacy – something I needed to do for myself beyond just for my business. It is personal and truly reflects my soul! Having you brand me and create such a beautiful website makes me feel like a better practitioner. I feel like I have something to say and something to offer the world and I am worth more now that I know how to accurately get my message out. I have finally been able to increase my rates and get a fee that I feel I deserve because I believe in myself more and I think potential clients also see me as more professional.”
“I have had really good feedback on the site and people commenting on the level of professionalism and design. It’s also something I feel good about when I go online!
My previous branding was done quite a few years ago and it did not result in exactly what I had wanted. The brand felt disjointed as there was no consistency across the colours, images and fonts I was using between my website and socials.
Emma and I worked on striking a balance between appearing professional and with strong clinical knowledge, while also being grounded, warm and down to earth. I found it was great having the brand guidelines, as it is something I was able to pass onto my VA who works on my social media posts, to ensure the look was being carried out consistently.
Clients love the look and feel not only of my online presence but the real-life brand presence as well! I got to have fun redesigning my clinical space and using the new colours and I now love how people’s experience of my site then flows into their experience in my clinic. The benefit of taking a holistic approach and working on the foundations first, like Emma steps clients through, is that you can confidently make investments in the look of your clinical space or other elements of your brand, knowing everything is aligned and consistent.”
“Emma is a true one-stop shop. She gets to really know you and your business. She digs into what makes it sacred to you and the image you want to project into the world. When my team and I saw the final branding work Emma created, jaws hit the floor. Mics dropped. It was absolutely stunning!
Prior to working with Emma, I had been running my business for many years and we kept tweaking the brand as we went along trying to make it more polished or adding things as we needed them and almost always working with different graphic designers who, although did wonderful work…didn’t really get the feel for me and my business message. We ended up having a bit of a mish-mosh without a polished cohesive branding message.
So stunning, in fact, that we begged Emma to stay on as our graphic designer for major projects after the initial branding project was wrapped up. Emma has now been our primary graphic designer for over 2 years and works seamlessly with our team all the way from Australia. Emma now knows our brand inside and out and can be relied on to intuitively create new design pieces as we need them.
With all the new visual branding elements in our back pocket, it has given our team the freedom to create day-to-day design pieces, such as social media posts and blog images on their own with a sense of consistency. The way she set up all the brand files and templates for us in Canva really streamlined this process!
Our overall branding now feels polished, on-point and cohesive. It reflects the growth that Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy has had over the years and our design elements are something we can proudly show off! I feel her comprehensive branding package brings all the elements my company presents to the world into one cohesive and beautiful graphic message that makes you feel proud to show it off. “
“I’ve said to so many people already that working with Emma has been by far THE best investment I made for my business so far.
When I first started my business many years ago, I got a cheap company to do my logo, I did my website on my own and I just thought my branding wasn’t that important. But after years of struggling to make things work, I was feeling quite down about the whole thing. I always felt really overwhelmed about designing things as I’m not naturally creative and I absolutely hated doing any form of marketing/ social media. Now I know that it was because I wasn’t really proud of my brand and I wasn’t really clear on what I actually wanted for my business.
I was excited to work with Emma, but I did wonder if it would all be worth the cost and whether I would be able to use the design/look Emma created once I was left on my own. However, I should not have been concerned at all. Emma was absolutely amazing at making sure that I really understood how to make the best out of using the visual system on my own. I actually enjoy the designing process now! Having templates, backgrounds and a whole suite of graphics that were created by a professional makes such a difference.
Going through this process with Soul Stirring Branding has been eye-opening for me. I did not expect so much personal growth to come from the experience. I used to be scared of other businesses who offered something similar to me. But through getting to the heart of my business with Emma’s process, she helped me realise that I offer something unique, which others don’t. I’d say this process on its own was worth the cost as I got so much out of it! I felt like Emma really cared about me and my business and I couldn’t believe how much she understood me, who I wanted to work with, the best way to attract my ideal clients. I was blown away!
A lot of people make beautiful designs, but what differentiates Emma is how well she understands marketing/business. I’m already seeing an increase in income, and I know this will keep getting better and better. Thanks so much Emma, I really can’t thank you enough.”
“As a lifetime DIY designer and marketer, I never felt that my branding was consistent or to the world-renowned standard that I desired, until I was finally able to work with Emma.
Now I can say without hesitation that this is what every soul-centred entrepreneur needs to invest in. Sure, you may save a little with the online branding courses or schools, but now that I have been through Emma’s branding process I am convinced that the way she is able to capture you in the copy and design and really sell you and your work objectively is not something you will ever be able to achieve on your own. What she gives you is more than a new look on the outside. It really helps you shine from the inside out. She doesn’t hold back, like you would when it comes to selling you and this is what you ultimately need.
The whole experience was hugely beneficial. I don’t know how she does it but she totally got me and the heart of my business! I was in tears the first time I saw my new visual branding. It was just so perfect! It felt like Emma took everything that was inside of me – who I am, how I work and how I contribute to this world and put it out in the world for people to see, giving me so much clarity and confidence. I also really appreciated how Emma made the whole process from the branding to the website design so easy. She was supportive, responsive and has an amazing attention to detail.
Since rebranding, the feedback I have received is so positive and I genuinely feel as though my online presence finally reflects who I am, which I love! I have also found that the language I use to market myself has also changed and this has been a significant part of the increase in results I’m seeing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Emma!”
“Since working with her, She Is Fierce!’s bounce rate has gone way down and the pages per visit has gone way up!
I have worked with contractors before who are just into getting through a project, but working with Emma was so much more than that — she took the time to get to know my vision for She Is Fierce! as well as I do and create not just a beautiful style — which she totally did!! – but also a very clearly strategic layout for pages that had been just thrown together previously. I couldn’t be happier with the final result of working with Emma!!
I love the look, the effectiveness of the layout of the pages and how everything we do now tells a story visually – it has already had a positive impact!! I get emails all the time from people telling me how beautiful our site is now, and the overall look and feel of our visual branding is consistent with the quality of our community and our content! Working with Emma seriously gave me faith in working with contractors again! She is consistent, responsible, communicates so well and always delivers! :)”
“Emma’s all-in-one branding package, was that it was WAY more comprehensive than any other branding professional out there.
Prior to working with Emma, we had grown in leaps and bounds over four years of being in business, but we were still decked out in our start-up branding. We knew our brand identity was conveying an old-school, impersonal look, which was out of alignment with our actual style, personality and the way our audience viewed us as professional, cutting edge and inspirational. We wanted to stand out online and at trade shows in a positive way and knew our existing branding was doing us a disservice, but we hesitated going through a rebranding process for a while because we were worried it would be too expensive or too hard to implement across our many brand touchpoints we had built up.
Luckily what we discovered when we came across Emma’s all-in-one branding package, was that it was WAY more comprehensive than any other branding professional out there. We instantly got the impression she was much more intelligent and savvy about branding than anyone else we were considering and the end result was worth so much more than what other professionals charge. Now I feel at peace and happy, knowing that I finally have a website look that I would be proud for total strangers to visit. Which they do, every day, because we have about 150,000 visitors per month! I tell everyone I know who is thinking about branding to contact Emma!”