The Soul Stirring Branding Podcast
With Emma Brownson

The Soul Stirring Branding Podcast
This is your safe space to explore the essence of who you are and discover how to translate that into a rich and juicy brand and website people can’t stop devouring.
Because connecting with your ideal clients starts with connecting with who you truly are. After you peel back the layer of who you think you “should” be, your soul stirring branding can emerge.

The Latest
Soul Stirring Branding Episode 20: Thinking of Hiring a Designer? Do These Things First to Set Your Collab Up for Success
🤩 So, you’re thinking about hiring a brand designer—exciting stuff! But before you jump in with both feet, let’s talk about how to know if you’re truly ready. Here’s a guide to get you prepped and pumped for the process. Know Your Business Inside and Out Before you...
Soul Stirring Branding Episode 19: Long-form or Short-form Sales Pages — Which Performs Best?
Long Form Sales Page: Effective or Overwhelming? We’ve all seen those loooong sales pages, especially for courses. They seem endless, right? 🤔 So, does this long form sales page really help convince buyers, or are they just a scroll-fest that might push people away?...
Soul Stirring Branding Episode 18: Should You Be Wearing Your Brand Colours Anytime You Are Showing Up in Your Business?
Should You Wear Your Brand Colours? Ever find yourself in a last-minute scramble before a big client meeting or recording a business video, trying to figure out if it’s okay to wear that blue shirt you love even if it’s not one of your brand colours? Let’s face it,...
Soul Stirring Branding Episode 17: Personal Brand or Business Brand — Which Is Your Right For You?
🤔 Personal brand or business brand? For some of you, the answer is easy, for others, it may not be clear what the best fit is. Let's explore what they both mean and the pros and cons so e can determine which one could be right for you. What’s Personal Branding?...
Soul Stirring Branding Episode 16: 10 Website Mistakes That Could be Costing You Sales
Could you be losing potential clients every day, not because your services or products aren't good enough, but because your site has simple design and copy mistakes? Mistakes that could be stopping you from converting browsers into buyers. ✨ Let's dive into some...
Soul Stirring Branding Episode 15: Lead Magnets Demystified: A Step-by-Step Guide From Strategy To Tech
🌟Lead Magnets: Imagine having an easy way to get people onto your email list so you can staying touch, nurture the relationship with your ideal people and sell your offerings. That’s the power of a well-crafted lead magnet. Your email list is one of THE MOST...
Soul Stirring Brand Episode 14: The Top Mistakes You Could Be Making With Your Client Testimonials
This topic is really close to my heart and I’m pretty passionate about this. I’ve seen firsthand how the right testimonials can make a HUGE difference. If you want to see what I’m talking about, visit my testimonials page. Trust me, it’s worth a peek! So, let’s get...
Soul Stirring Branding Episode 13: What To Do When Your Offering’s Promise Isn’t “Sexy”
Can the promise of slow, steady, and sustainable results " win the race" for attention these days? Every offer you make carries some kind of promise, whether you’ve explicitly stated it or not. If you haven’t articulated it, make sure you do. This promise is...
Soul Stirring Branding Episode 12: Visual Branding – Stop Scrolling Pinterest and Figure Out What You’re Trying To Communicate
This episode is all about visual branding, a very exciting of the branding process—and one of my personal favourites. Of course, branding is so much more than the pretty visual bits. But it is still an important part. It's the way we create that first impression! ...
Soul Stirring Branding Episode 11 – Is Marketing To Pain Points Unethical or Is There A Way Heart-Centred Business Women Can Get Behind?
There’s been a lot of conversations popping up in my in the last few years or so about not using pain points in your marketing because it’s unethical. So I wanted to share my take as a mission-driven business owner here to bring so much love, support and inspiration...
Have a question for the show?
I would love to know your burning questions so I can make sure the content I created is really geared towards my listeners! Email me or record a voice memo of your question and I look forward to hearing from you!